
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I was planning on writing this next blog post about my weekend trip to the Dana Nature Reserve. I was hoping to show all of you images of the stunning valley and the vibrant sunset and the adorable puppies I encountered there. But at this moment in time I cannot possibly write about something so mundane as my hiking trip.

Yesterday the grand jury decided not to indict Darren Wilson. There will be no trial for a cop who shot an unarmed teenager in the street. He will walk free, and Mike Brown's family will not see justice for his death- not even the attempt to gain justice.

I feel tired. I feel disappointed. I am upset, and angry, and disheartened by this news. It is wrong, it is a mockery of justice and a slap in the face of what America supposedly believes in. And in these emotions, there is only incredible privilege. Because upon hearing the news, I am upset and disheartened- but I am not worried for my life. I am not terrified for a future of uncertainty. I have that privilege, simply based on the color of my skin.

How is America considered the pinnacle of democracy? Of freedom? Of human rights? How are we the best, the greatest, that the world has to offer? What a joke. What a complete and utter farce. We are all lying to ourselves, and it manifests itself in an ignorance that has cost so very many lives.

We are all lying to ourselves.

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I'm Skye, a junior at the University of Washington studying International Studies with a focus on human rights and refugee studies. This is a blog chronicling my mishaps and adventures whilst studying abroad in Amman, Jordan.